highest snapchat score

Highest Snap Score of 2023 – Who Topped the Charts?

If you use Snapchat to talk with your friends every day, then you must have an idea about Snap Score. Have you ever wondered who has the highest snap score in the world? How to get the highest snap score?

We’ve created this guide for all Snapchat users who are all about snap scores. In this article, we will discuss the highest snaps cores in the world, and you can get these scores.

What is a Snap Score?

A snap score is basically a number that’s used to show how much you are using the platform. The snap score increases every time you send and receive snaps. These snaps can be images or videos. Close friends often maintain snap streaks and try to carry them as far as possible. 

A snap streak happens and grows when 2 people send each other snaps daily. In the initial days of the platform, having high snap scores used to get you trophies, but Snapchat has now removed that feature. 

How Snap Score Is Calculated?

Snapchat is a Social media platform. According to Snapchat’s rules and regulations, you receive one point every time you send a snap or receive snaps. If you’re sending or receiving a video, you get 1 point per 10 seconds of the video.

Leveraging social media analytics on platforms like Snapchat for brand growth involves a targeted approach to understanding the unique, ephemeral content preferences of its audience. Snapchat, known for its short-lived content and younger demographic, offers brands a dynamic space to engage with users in real-time. By analyzing the performance of Snapchat stories and ads, brands can gain insights into which types of content resonate most with their audience, leading to higher engagement rates and more effective brand storytelling.

Key metrics such as views, screenshots, and story completions offer valuable feedback, enabling marketers to tailor their content strategies to the behaviors and preferences of Snapchat users. Additionally, Snapchat’s analytics tools provide demographic information and trends in user engagement, allowing brands to segment their audience and personalize their messaging. By strategically leveraging insights found on Zintego.com, brands can create more impactful, engaging content that aligns with the interests of the Snapchat community, fostering brand loyalty and driving growth.

Of course, in order to increase user stickiness, brands can also choose some custom promotional gifts, such as Luggage Tags.

Brands can cleverly integrate brand logos and various elements that users like into the design of luggage tags. When users’ Snap scores reach a certain level or participate in brand-hosted events, they can get such luggage tags. After users receive the luggage tags, they can not only reduce the risk of luggage loss during travel but also help with brand promotion. 

This method not only increases user participation but also enhances the brand image. Luggagetags.com is offering discounts, so act quickly if you have relevant needs.

Posting stories on Snapchat, and being part of group conversations also earn you points. But, Snapchat hasn’t ever clarified the system behind these points. If you want to learn the basics, here are things you should keep in mind:

  • When you send a snap, you earn a point. You also earn a point when you receive a point. 
  • When you send a snap in a group, you will receive a point for each person. You’ll get an additional point for sending a new snap as well. 
  • If you send the same snap to individuals and not in a group, you won’t get extra points for those. 
  • When you post a story on Snap, you earn a point. Watching stories of other people won’t earn you any points. The more people that watch your snap story, the more points you’ll get. 
  • If you haven’t been using snap for a time, then the first time you send a snap after a while is worth 5 points. 
  • You can increase your snap score by sending snaps to celebrities. These snaps are rarely opened, so you’ll at least earn a point. 
  • You can’t buy a snap point. But, there are third-party services out there that charge money to boost your snap score. This makes snap scores untrustworthy.
  • Now, you don’t get any trophies from Snapchat for having high scores. Your snap score is just for show, and fun. There’s no real value in having a high snap score. 
  • Your snap score can’t go down. Even if you’re inactive on the platform for a while, your score will remain the same. 
  • You can’t transfer your snap score from one account to another one. You can’t gift a score to some other user.

How Can I See My Snap Score?

A lot of users who are active on Snapchat don’t even know how to see their snap score. If you’re one of them and are wondering “how can I  see my snap score?” Here are the steps you need to follow to see your snap score:

  • Open the Snapchat app.
  • Tap on your Bitmoji on the left side of your screen.
  • Once you’re in your profile, look under your Bitmoji to see your snap score. 

Whatever number may be written under your Snapchat Bitmoji is your current snap score. 

What is a Good Snap Score?

Snap Score has become a kind of competition between friends where friends try to maintain high snap streaks. This number is basically data on how much you’re using Snapchat. 

A snap score between 1,000 – 50,000 is a good amount and shows that you’re using Snapchat almost every day. A score of  50,000 – 200,000 is the average score on the app. Most users are between this range. 

If you’re in the 200,000 – 400,000 range, then you can be pretty popular on the app. 

How to Increase Snap Score?

If you want to increase your snap score, just use the app the way it’s supposed to be used. Send and receive as many snaps as you can. You don’t get any points for chatting or sending photos and videos through messages. You can try to maintain longer snap streaks with your friends. 

Highest Snap Scores of 2023

Now comes the main part of our blog. Based on the data available publicly, here are the people who have the highest score in 2023. As Snapchat doesn’t shows how long a user has been on the platform, there’s no way to figure out if these numbers are organic or not. Regardless, here are the top snap  scorers of 2023:

  1. Dion-19 – 237 Million+

Dion-19 had the highest snap score in 2021, and the user has the highest snap score in 2022. By the time you finish reading this article, the number is going to increase. 

The exact snap score is 237,004,516. Going by history, the number is going to increase even more in 2023. There’s no one even close to claiming the first rank as Dion-19 has a massive lead. 

  1. Jaideep Gurgar – 51 Million+

Here you can see the difference between the number 1 and the number 2 position. There’s no chance currently that anyone can take over Dion-19’s snap score. 

  1. Chris_thisguy – 50 Million+

The 2nd and the 3rd number ranking is head to head. It could be possible for Chris_thisguy to take over Jaideep Gurgar in the coming time. 

  1. Ciqlo – 27 Million+

For Ciqlo to catch up to 2nd and 3rd ranking, they’ll have to increase the snap score by double. While Ciqlo ranks on the 4th number, 27 million is not a small snap score to have. 

  1. Daydrunks – 20 Million+

If you compare this number with Dion-19, it seems tiny and insignificant. But if you compare it with an average snap user, it becomes huge. 


1. What to do if my snap score isn’t updating?

If you’re waiting for your snap score to refresh and go up in real time, it won’t happen. Snap scores don’t refresh in real time. All you can do is note down your current snap score, and check back in a couple of days later to see if the score is updated. 

2. Who has the highest snap score in the world?

The person with the highest score is Dion-19 with 237 million snap scores. While snap scores change every day, there’s no chance that anyone can dethrone Dion-19 as the leader anytime soon. 

3. Which celebrities have the highest Snap score?

There are celebrities with huge snap scores. Some of the top scorers include DJ Khaled, Ariana Grande, and Kim Kadarshian. They’re the ones who have the top rankings when it comes to celebrities on Snapchat. 

Final Word

If you’re trying to aim for the top snap scores in the world, now you know who your competition is. Hopefully, you’ll be able to gain a top ranking by this time next year.