Content is a powerful marketing tool if you know how to use it correctly. The pandemic has shown that companies that have competently treated the content of their websites, blogs, and pages on social networks had a great advantage. But it’s never too late to change the situation. You can write new texts or rework ready-made ones in such a way that they begin to bring maximum benefit to the business. One meaningful, helpful, well-written blog post can bring in more customers than the most talented sales manager. For content to work, you need to know how to write it. Below are the main tips that are universal for all niches: from B2B outsourcing to selling children’s toys.
1. Understand who you are writing for
Content consumers are the target audience. Therefore, the text should be written taking into account her interests and preferences. When analyzing the main consumers of your product, pay attention to all criteria: gender, age, habits, place of residence, work, etc. That is, if the company operates locally, within the same city or region, it will be more interesting for customers to read information about this particular city or region. If your target audience consists mainly of young girls, offer them relevant information in their area of interest. As, for example, the cosmetic brand NYX. In their blog, they talk about beauty life hacks with which girls can improve their lighthouse.
2. Speak to your audience in their language
Highly specialized sites and blogs can afford to write informational texts oversaturated with specialized words and terms. But if the content is intended for a wide audience, the style should be simpler and more understandable. This advice can be considered a continuation of the previous one, because knowing what your potential customers want, you can easily talk to them the way they used to communicate. Somewhere humor and light irony are appropriate, but somewhere it is worth using an informational, even strict style.
3. Stick with headings and subheadings
The first thing the client reads is the title of the article and in a second he decides whether to read it or not. That is, the web writer has only one second to interest the reader. The title should be short in length, but capacious in meaning. The main rule is that it must fully reflect the content of the article. If you announce some kind of sensational news and write about the advantages of your company, you lose the trust of the reader, and therefore the potential client.
Subheadings are a convenience to the reader. Looking through the text, he finds what he is interested in and reads only the necessary information. If you force a person to read the entire text that is not divided into parts with subheadings, he will get tired very quickly and go to a competitor whose text is more structured.
4. Be an expert
Only experienced professionals, such as Essay writers from EssayTigers who have been working with content for years, can write texts with a high level of expertise on almost any topic. If you do not have such a skill, attract professionals from your field. No one can tell you about medicine better than a doctor, a teacher about a school, or a programmer about development. In cooperation with an expert, it is much easier to write really necessary and useful content.
Heed these tips, because only a good copy becomes a powerful weapon on the battlefield for the client.
5. Optimize content for search engines
To read a text, you must first find it. If the text in the SERP occupies the last place on page 12, the reader will not be able to evaluate its usefulness, attractiveness, and content, as they simply will not reach it.
Use keywords in the text. These are search queries that the browser user sets. For example, you can correctly include the query “how to write the text”, or you can use a key query with a long tail “how to write text for business.” In the second case, the probability that the text will be read by exactly the person who needs it is higher, and the opportunity to get into the TOP positions in the search results is more real.
6. Use different types of content
Useful and meaningful text optimized for search engines is good but enhanced with images, audio and video is even better. Use all channels of perception of a person to convey information to him. It is highly desirable to use unique images and videos because this is an additional plus in the position when issuing, but if there are none, you can use high-quality stocks to select visual content.
With the help of competent content, you can take your business to a whole new level. To do this, you need to act consistently and have a clear strategy. Use our recommendations to get started on your content writing journey.