Wordpress Plugins

What is CodeCanyon? Is It the Right Marketplace for Your WordPress Plugins?

If you’re a WordPress plugin developer and don’t know how to boost your business, then CodeCanyon may be what you’re looking for. CodeCanyon is a marketplace dedicated to WordPress plugin developers. 

But what does CodeCanyon has to offer to the users? It’s not the only way to grow and succeed as a WordPress Plugin developer. There are some pros and cons of using the platform, so you need to do some due diligence. 

What is CodeCanyon?

CodeCanyon is an online marketplace built for WordPress developers to showcase their plugins to the world.

CodeCanyon gets a bad reputation with the core WordPress community. But most of the concerns are focused on licensing issues and they don’t have quality in terms of the products, although that hasn’t stopped their success. Fortunately, CodeCanyon has built an incredible customer base. 

Moreover, it has provided some developers to build a seven-figure business out of their plugins. 

How Does CodeCanyon Help Developers?

In a nutshell, CodeCanyon allows developers to promote and distribute their products to their clients. You can do that without needing CodeCanyon too, but it won’t be as easy. CodeCanyon provides you with a platform to showcase your products with ease. 

A number of WordPress developers are happy to give up a huge number of their sales income to put their products on a platform. So, if CodeCanyon can provide a platform to market their products.

Is CodeCanyon Right for You?

Before you choose CodeCanyon, there are some factors you need to keep in mind. Here are some of the pros and cons of using CodeCanyon as a WordPress marketing channel. 

Pros of Using CodeCanyon:

  • Free publicity of your plugin
  • An established marketing and distribution channel
  • The large customer base for your product

Cons of Using CodeCanyon:

  • Brand recognition is tough
  • You have to operate on CodeCanyon’s terms
  • Auto-renewal isn’t possible
  • CodeCanyon is a competitive WordPress Plugin Marketplace
  • Communication with clients isn’t possible via CodeCanyon

CodeCanyon is the best possible platform for endless users, otherwise, it wouldn’t be as successful. Also, it’s possible to build a high-earning business for your WordPress plugin.

You need to choose what’s right for you. You need to weigh between pros and cons as they apply to your unique circumstances. 

Choosing Between CodeCanyon and Personal Marketing

You need to decide whether you need CodeCanyon for your business or if you want to market your product by yourself. Here are some things to consider:

1. Established Businesses

When you publish your premium plugins to the CodeCanyon repository can be a nice way to boost existing sales. But it should not affect your existing income streams. However, many businesses will rather choose to build their own brand and platform instead of focusing on another platform. 

2. First Timers With Premium Plugins

If this is your first time entering into premium plugins to sell, CodeCanyon is the perfect solution for you. It offers you the right way of selling your plugin, and you can be generating income for your brand. The alternative solution is to build a marketplace for your plugins as open marketplaces have become overcrowded. 

3. First Time with Freemium Plugins

If you wish to adopt a freemium approach to selling the plugins, then you shouldn’t rely on CodeCanyon. If your goal is to grow a userbase using WordPress.org, then CodeCanyon won’t offer a few additional benefits. 

Conclusion – CodeCanyon 

If you’re a premium WordPress plugin developer, then CodeCanyon is a great option for you. CodeCanyon can be immensely useful for promotion and boosting your customer base. But if you’re offering a freemium plugin, then CodeCanyon may not be the right solution for your business.