
  • 5 strategies to generate leads online

    5 strategies to generate leads online

    Gone are the days of cold-calling and door-to-door sales.  In fact, many mobile users are now even alerted when an unknown caller is classified as a “spam risk”.   Sales processes have since adapted, as tech has, to become almost entirely digital to appeal to online audiences.  So how should a business attract inbound sales…

  • Tips for Handling Email Marketing in The Midst of a Global Crisis

    Tips for Handling Email Marketing in The Midst of a Global Crisis

    Difficult circumstances can disrupt even the most successful businesses, and a knee-jerk reaction that comes to mind may be to stop utilizing email marketing in order to protect your business from a global crisis. Costs are costs, right? Save them when/where you can. Should your marketing step on the brakes? Heeeeck no! If anything,…

  • Black Friday 2020: The 8 most crucial things to consider in retail

    Black Friday 2020: The 8 most crucial things to consider in retail

    After last year’s successful Black Friday, retailers felt confident that the next one would be an even bigger blowout, surpassing the 7.4 billion in sales earned in 2019. However, that confidence diminished the day COVID came rushing through the country like shoppers usually rush through its malls on November 27th.  Now, retailers are concerned…

  • How outsourcing payroll in Singapore can save you time?

    How outsourcing payroll in Singapore can save you time?

    What is payroll? Payroll is the handing out of pay slip every week or every month. Payroll activities are carried out by experienced personnel who take into account all the employee benefits, wages, leave and bonuses, then do the calculation for allowances and deductions. However, the additions and deductions are usually calculated into the…

  • Virtual Learning: A Basic Guide to Key Practices

    Virtual Learning: A Basic Guide to Key Practices

    The coronavirus has ruined many lives and livelihoods, and it has completely changed numerous things about our daily lives. One of the most popular trends in the wake of the pandemic is the emergence of digital learning.  Learning and education first gained a foothold in the digital world back in the early internet days,…

  • 5 Mobile Apps to Boost Your Team’s Collaboration in 2021

    5 Mobile Apps to Boost Your Team’s Collaboration in 2021

    The world has been on the fast track to online work due to recent global developments. It’s a shift that we all saw coming, but no one expected just how sudden the transition would be as a result of unforeseen external factors. Like it or not, remote collaboration is now the reality for countless…

  • Adaface: Automated Testing of Java Skills of Candidates

    Adaface: Automated Testing of Java Skills of Candidates

    Hiring the best talent is one of the toughest and time-taking challenges that an organization has to do periodically. Due to the ease of applying for vacancies, there has been an increase in the size of the candidate pool ( especially for remote working ), making it harder for hiring teams to process the…

  • How to Increase the Productivity of Your Customer Support Team – Tips and Tricks

    How to Increase the Productivity of Your Customer Support Team – Tips and Tricks

    An unproductive team equals disgruntled customers – it is as simple as that.  In most cases, customers are already agitated when reaching out to customer support, and it is up to your team to change their minds about the company and finish the conversation in good spirits. A single Tweet about exceptional interaction with…

  • 10 of the best Ways to Increase E-mail Deliverability

    10 of the best Ways to Increase E-mail Deliverability

    In 2020 e-mail marketing is still an important part of any successful business strategy. At this moment, there are 3.9 billion people that are active e-mail users. It is an enormous number of potential customers. Of course, the real power is in the segmentation of e-mail users that are interested in what you have…

  • 15  Tools For Remote Product Management Teams

    15 Tools For Remote Product Management Teams

    Nowadays, there is a growing remote working trend that cuts across various industries. It requires companies to manage projects with contributors in different geographical regions while keeping them connected, informed, and working towards common goals. Handling a remote working team can be a complicated task. Luckily, the market offers an impressive number of remote…