
App Store Optimization Strategy 2022: The Need for App Store Optimization

App store optimization is something that’s crucial but not a lot of businesses know about it. This article is all about ASO marketing strategy and how you can use it for your benefit. If you want to rank higher than other apps of the same niche, then you need to pay attention to app store optimization. With the right ASO marketing strategy, you can make sure that your app reaches the right set of people. Let’s start with our list of best app store optimization tips that you can use for your app. 

Some Important Data About Mobile Industry

In its initial days, Apple App Store had only 500 apps, in 2022, it had over 1.95 million apps. When there were limited apps on the platform, it was easier to get your app ranked on top. Now that Google and Apple are the leading app stores, it’s harder to rank your apps on the top. The right set of ASO marketing techniques will help you get around the trial and error method and get your app ranked higher than your competitors.

What Is App Store Optimization?

If a user opens the app store, and they automatically find your app on the top chances are they’ll end up downloading it. While ranking your app higher than all the other apps may be tough, it actually isn’t. The right set of app store optimization tools will make sure that your app ranks as high as possible. 

What is app store optimization? It’s a simple process that helps your app rank at the top of search results on app stores. The process is close to how SEO works, but app store optimization is different from SEO.  It can easily increase the number of downloads of your app, it can improve engagement, improve CTR and improve your app’s recognition.

Importance of App Store Optimization

Out of all the app stores, in the first quarter of 2022 Google Play had over 3 million apps to choose from. So how do you make sure that your app ranks higher than other apps? Ideal app store optimization strategies can help in boosting your app’s recognition in the market. 

App Store Optimization Strategy 2022

You should make sure that you use different app store optimization strategies for different types of app stores. Here are different app store strategies for all different types of app stores:

ASO Marketing Guide for Google Play Store

1. Market Research is Your Friend

The first step for any app store optimization is to do the due market research. What do you have to do for market research for your app store? The first thing is to figure out the niche your app falls in. You need to know if your app is a gaming app or an educational app and if it falls into another category altogether. 

Another thing that you should ask yourself is who you’re competing against. What techniques are they using to rank higher on the platforms?

2. Choose Ideal Keywords

Now that you’re done with the market research, you have to use the right set of keywords. Regardless of the platform your app is on, finding the right set of keywords is important. If you can find the right keyword for your app, you can achieve higher rankings. 

You should focus on the right set of keywords, if you’re launching a new app and if you’re choosing keywords that are highly competitive then it won’t work in your favor. Initially, you should start targeting long-tail keywords as they’re easier to rank on. 

3. Choose the Right Title

The title of your app should make it easy for the users to understand what the purpose of your app is. The title should be short, crisp, and clear. If you’re able to grab the attention of your consumers with the title, then you’ll be able to earn more downloads. Do keep in mind that you can only use 50 characters for the title of your app. 

4. Optimize Your URL

If you can include a keyword in your URL, then you can get better results. Optimizing your URL is a crucial ASO marketing strategy. Make sure that your app URL is optimized before you upload the app to the Play Store. You need to keep in mind that you can’t change the URL once it has been published.

5. Add Keywords in Developer Name

Another app store optimization strategy to keep in mind is that you can add the keyword in the developer name. This can and will help you in optimizing the app for your users. You can add the primary keywords in the developer name section.

6. Create Compelling Videos

A user is often compelled to see the video of the app and understand how it works. All you have to do is create catchy videos. You have to make sure that you aren’t uploading a video from YouTube that doesn’t run smoothly. 

7. Write Engaging Descriptions

Google Play Store allows users to add up to 80 characters in the app description. This can allow you to share your app’s message with the customers. The descriptions should be formatted and they should outline the benefits of your app. 

Secondly, you need to optimize the app description for the search engine. For the app description, you can use up to 4,000 characters, and you can use a good number of keywords in this amount. 

App Store Optimization Strategy for Apple Store

The Apple app store is a lot different from Google Play Store, but the basic practices are different. Here’s our take on the app store optimization tips on Apple Store:

1. Find the Ideal App Name

Similar to Google Play Store, you need to choose the right app name. The name can also include the primary keyword for a higher ranking on search results. Apple App Store allows you only 30 characters in the app name, you can change the title only when you publish the updated version of the app. 

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential element if you want your app to rank higher. Although it is essential to keep in mind that both the app stores are fundamentally different from each other. For app store optimization, you need to find the right set of keywords. 

The best way to find good keywords for your app is to use tools at your disposal such as Google Analytics, Semrush, Ubersuggest, and more. 

3. Subtitles

While Apple allows for just 30 characters in the app name, it does allow you to add subtitles. Writing the right subtitles can help your rankings. You should add good keywords into the subtitles which allow it to rank higher. This is similar to your app name, you can only change the app name when you publish an updated version of the app. 

4. Screenshots

Apple App Store allows you to post up to 10 screenshots of the app. This helps in showing the features of the app. The screenshots don’t really help in improving the app’s ranking, it does affect the conversion rate of the app. 

5. Add a Description

You can add a 4,000-word long description and you can change it whenever you want. It can impact the search rankings to make sure to include the right set of keywords. Your app description should be clear, concise, highlight the features, and show you the benefit of the app. It showcases what your app and brand stand for and you shouldn’t stuff keywords. 

6. Catchy Video

The Apple app store allows the users to upload 3 videos of how the app works. These appear right before the screenshots of the app and make sure that the user experiences the app before downloading. It is one of the best tools you can use at the moment, and it can affect your conversion rate.