5 Ways A Support Ticket Software Can Benefit Your Customer Support Team

If you’ve got a customer support team that caters to your clients, then you’ve probably heard of support ticket software. However, in case you’re not sure what we’re talking about, here’s a brief rundown. Helpdesk ticket systems handle individual customer support cases. Each time a customer submits a new issue/case, the system creates a ticket that it then uses to monitor the progress made towards finding a viable solution to the problem. 

Support ticketing software helps the business automate the repetitive and time-consuming administrative tasks linked to managing client support cases. It typically works hand-in-hand with an overarching CRM database that stores all the business’ contact information. There are numerous helpdesk ticketing systems available. However, not all of them can get the job done. You need to know what you want the system to do for you to reap its benefits. 

However, before you can identify which system will best suit your needs, you’ll first have to understand how they can help you. So, let’s take a look at some of the ways they can help your customer support team.

1. Quicker Ticket Resolutions

A powerful support ticketing software or email ticketing software should easily automate the processing of incoming helpdesk cases. This automation should, in turn, allow your support team to concentrate more on closing and addressing tickets. Incoming tickets are automatically recorded into the software, routed to the customer support staff, and filled with the case details (such as ticket urgency, the product/service in question, the client’s name, etc.) your representative will need to resolve the issue.

That’s plenty of work your customer support team won’t have to perform anymore once you integrate this type of software. They’ll be able to put most of their energy and time into dealing with customer problems instead of moving tickets and entering data.


2. Ability To Assign and Queue Requests

Most support ticketing software is priority-based and addresses tickets according to their importance. The system can be designed so that the high-priority tasks (which often take up most of your rep’s time) are resolved first. Other tickets can be queued up until one of your representatives is free to deal with them. This, in turn, leads to higher turnaround times.

Tickets can be queued up on a 1st-come, 1st-served-basis, and automated assignment modules like load balancing and round-robin can be used to keep up with requests. You can also apply priority-based rules to your ticketing assignments.

3. Opening Customer/Client Communication Channels 

Support ticketing software will help speed up your customer response times. But that’s not all though. It can also help improve customer satisfaction rates and communication processes. These days, when clients submit requests, they want to ensure it’s being handled as soon as possible. In fact, 90-percent of customers all across the globe want immediate responses. In these scenarios, they want agents that’ll deal with them in less than 10 minutes.  

Another way to make your customer service better is when your customer department integrates ticketing systems alongside a set of FAQs or a knowledge base. This allows your customer support staffers to find answers to queries and relevant information faster. For example, a client might be experiencing complications accessing your online accounts. 

A customer service staffer will notice this and give the potential customer links to relevant articles in your knowledge base that will tell them how to troubleshoot problems. This gives the customer the ability to help themselves, without having to rely on customer agents to help them out

4. Personalized Customer Service Systems

When you have strong support ticketing software in place, your customer service staffers will have the ability to give more one-on-one time to customers. This is because the time that is freed up by automation can be used to deal with clients, which in turn, helps provide a more personalized touch to the interaction. When your clients notice how genuinely invested all your representatives are, they feel valued. This boosts brand loyalty and helps make sure your business grows in the long term.

If your helpdesk ticketing software can be linked to your CRM, you’ll be able to store a lot more data about your individual customers. This includes such things as their interests, likes, buying history, web browsing activity, and more. If your support team is armed with this kind of information, they’ll be able to understand who each customer is and deal with them in a more personal way.

A good support ticket software will give you analytics and metrics around how well your customer service department is performing.


5. Continuous Performance Improvements

A good support ticket software will give you analytics and metrics around how well your customer service department is performing. These metrics can be viewed on central dashboards, which gives you valuable insight all in one place. This way, you can track metrics such as the average time it takes reps to resolve issues, total tickets closed, etc. This will allow you to see which of your support staff is falling behind so that you can handle the problem before it gets worse.

Helpdesk ticketing systems provide transparency on how well your support team is performing and give you the ability to identify the kinks in your processes and resolve them accordingly. They also help hold your team accountable. How? Because when something is amiss, system reporting will help you understand why it happened. So, before you buy a helpdesk ticketing software, be sure to find out how robust it is.

In Conclusion

Many companies across the globe have begun to see support ticketing software as value additions instead of cost centers. If they want to meet the needs of their customers, they’ll have to keep up with the pace at which increasingly complex technologies are emerging. If you’re looking to be on top of your game, then you need to consider integrating helpdesk technology into your business strategies. Hopefully, this article has shown you how they can save you time and benefit your support team. 

Andrej Fedek is the creator and the one-person owner of two blogs: InterCool Studio and CareersMomentum. As an experienced marketer, he is driven by turning leads into customers with White Hat SEO techniques. Besides being a boss, he is a real team player with a great sense of equality.