Introduction to the benefits of them first of all .
- Send free traffic to your sites or client sites a like
- Do more risky Link building approaches to these type of sites
- Don’t have to spend money on high-end content since you can use here spun words or program made articles fairly easy
- Do Parasite SEO
- Use these sites to help rank up Youtube videos
The best Web 2.0s you can use include
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Weebly
- Wix
- Tumblr
When you get web 2.0 which gives you at least 100 traffic a month you can turn them into customers either simply click your clicks if you do Adsense stuff or buy your actual products or make you money Affiliate wise or even become SEO clients for you in some cases.
It is very possible to turn free web 2.0 into like Money sites for example I knew about a few people who even make $1000 sales a month from good quality themed Webby which all run from free website hosting with just a sub domain you could also turn these sort of sites into like a Sales funnel for just about anything for example even a high quality Real Estate themed website such as, where people go from there into your Real Estate provider of your Affiliate money where you could possibly get paid between $100 to $10,000 per each property you help them sell commission each time.
When it comes to doing linkbuilding for these types of websites you can be more aggressive than any moneysite because you don’t own it does not matter as much if something goes wrong for example it goes offline or gets disindexed for reason as such you could attach Sape links which are hacked mostly Russian links because you don’t directly own it if you receive hacked links outside of your main sites it does not pose a risk overall since you can if the need comes to delete the site fairly easy.
You have probably seen people selling fairly low quality pbn links for between $1 to $5 you can attach them to your joomla webs quite easy since if something goes wrong you can just turn it offline fairly easy by using these type of links can boost it’s the authority by quite a large amount overall quite and give you more keyword rankings overall quite easy.
The way do these sort of webs can be done in simply 2 Tier approaches where you place more importance on the links you attach such as high end pbns or low end guest posts which can be used to give it more rankings in the search engines in simple sort of way overall.
Tier 3 you can do more risky things such as attach Sape to them simply by buying them of people for easy $1 to $10 each link which can come from websites which rank for over 5000 keywords so cheap price to buy links overall. You may decide to use GSA where you give your web a bast of backlinks this can be anywhere from 100 to 20,000 in more extreme cases since this is what we call third tier it does not matter to much if the website owner decides to shut it down since you can fairly easy make another one on the same platform or somewhere else such as if you were on WordPress now you onto Wix one so the options you have to move can give you big benefits to move when things get better or worse a like quite easy in most cases for yourself or clients a like.

I will give you a wee bit of details into what exactly does it mean when you spin words this means the program will give you others words to represent what you typed yourself or somewhere else did for example it could change from “Hello my name is Ricky I just ate my dinner at 5 pm with some friends ” to this”Hey you may call me Johh I just had Dinner at early evening tonight at 5pm with my buddies”
The change here is quite easy to see but for many other people who read both sentences they are not able to tell it was made by a program instead of done by an actual person but you need to watch the programs which love to make things unique by just adding same words many times for example like car car car to make it seem unique but instead, it just looks terrible overall since it makes no sense and looks quite silly for any site readers and Google may be able to tell it was made by a software not a real man or like by it using a very poor quality of unique word changes .
When you use software to make it most work like this we put into the search part the name of the keywords we want to get the completed story done for example “Manuka Honey” so it now will give us 500 word story which then covers some of it;s health benefits such as Manuka can be used to help cure foot infection and to the average person they think you wrote the article by yourself instead of a program doing it for you .
All a Parasite is when you use the authority of someone else website to help rank up your own site this can be done in basically 1000’s of different ways for example lets say are medium article ranks for 1000 keyword phrases we could then use that to send us 100 extra sales a month by us using the high DR Medium has to boost the sales or keyword rankings by simply using the other site to help increase the sales here .
Youtube rankings can be approved by simply attaching these sort of links to it such as you could rank up a video depending on the competition level using just say 5 Joomla articles so you could have video now which makes you say extra $200 sales a month for your client but you charge them say $100 for the video stay on first page of Youtube so it can be used to increase more than one sales here quite easy.

Andrej Fedek is the creator and the one-person owner of two blogs: InterCool Studio and CareersMomentum. As an experienced marketer, he is driven by turning leads into customers with White Hat SEO techniques. Besides being a boss, he is a real team player with a great sense of equality.