Top 10 E-Commerce Mobile App Features
21 July 2021

Top 10 E-Commerce Mobile App Features

Have a mobile e-commerce app? Does your audience know it exists? Is it converting users into paying customers? Are...

5 Customer Satisfaction Metrics to Track for Increasing ROI
20 July 2021

5 Customer Satisfaction Metrics to Track for Increasing ROI

Customer satisfaction is a part and parcel of the business strategies framed by the companies. Whether it is a...

7 NPS tools that are Worthy of your business ( updated )
19 July 2021

7 NPS tools that are Worthy of your business ( updated )

Measuring customer satisfaction is essential for growing your brand. Loyal customers are an asset to your business. You need...

What CMOs Need to Know About  Social Media Automation
05 July 2021

What CMOs Need to Know About Social Media Automation

If you are a CMO, you know that no marketing plan is complete without a social media aspect. With...

Why Is Digital Marketing Important For Beauty and Fashion Industry?
30 June 2021

Why Is Digital Marketing Important For Beauty and Fashion Industry?

It is said that change is constant, and change is a process as well as a necessity to explore...